Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Rousseau's Idea of Amour-Propre Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Rousseau's Idea of Amour-Propre - Essay Example This theoretical research on defining amour-propre would highlight on the causes and consequences of 'self-love' in the light of political philosophy. We would analyse the claim that why amour-propre has been a complex ontological process that negatively undermines community and civic harmony and why it is perceived in quest for honor to be superior to others, particularly in liberal societies. 'Amour propre' and 'amour de soi-meme' are two different works of Rousseau which differ in their nature in which they are presented and their effects and must not be perceived alike (Bertram, 2003, p. 22). Amour-propre is an evil effect of amour de soi-meme (self love) which in itself holds a natural innocence for it is close to nature and inclines every living being to be attracted towards its self-preservation. Self-love in contrast to amour-propre respects humanity and does not consider worldly or materialistic ambitions, thereby producing virtue. Amour propre is the ultimate production of society, ruled by the society, and deceived by the society which governs a set of principles to be established for acquiring the genuine source of honor. On contrary 'self-love' is close to nature, ruled by the nature and appreciated by God and is responsible for bringing the true contentment of the human being. Rousseau's innovative social ontology revolves around the ongoing competition for self-esteem which suggests various dimensions central to understand amour-propre. The first dimension presents before us the reason for social survival that is unalterable to the extent which pressurises the individuals to come together to construct lives with shared understandings and institutions. The cause for social survival has itself causes and consequences, as social existence possess meaning for others in society which in turn reveal important truths about themselves. Truth reveals about the development of self-conscious life which in turn cause the individuals to seek their own identities in the light of worldly materialism which by becoming part of a group compare themselves with other members of the society. Causes for social survival to name a few includes sharing commonalities with other members, competition for self-esteem, motivation by honor and so on. Though Rousseau succeeded in naming the categories of 'self-love' but where he failed to acknowledge the application of 'self-love' was the area of 'self-exploration'. With 'self-exploration' comes 'self-knowledge' and awareness for which Rousseau never denied that he used self-examination as a means to generate universal knowledge, however he portrayed that self-exploration is something deeply related with self-knowledge. One can consider self-knowledge to be one of the major consequence for social existence, where Rousseau often portrayed himself as unable to inspect the true source of knowledge, since when he considered that knowledge is from the self, he never meant to exactly oppose

Monday, October 28, 2019

Euthyphro & Classics of Philosophy Essay Example for Free

Euthyphro Classics of Philosophy Essay In its simplest term, the divine command theory holds that given that god exists; an act is good only because God commands it. In other words, anything that is not approved of by God cannot be considered to be good. A major problem associated with this view is raised in Euthyphro. The Euthyphro argues that the gods command things because they are good rather than that they are good because they command it. Seen from another angle, the goodness of things precedes Gods command. However, considering the polytheistic nature of the society that Socrates and Euthyphro lived in, the conception that what is good is only good because gods command it may be challenged by holing that the gods may have differences in opinion especially with regard to issues of morality. As such, what may be dear to one god may not necessarily be dear to another. As such, one action may be both pious and impious. The divine command theorists hold that the source of all moral value is the will of God (Hall et al). Whatever is willed by God is morally good or obligatory and whatever he forbids is morally evil. With this regard, murder, theft and adultery are morally wrong because, and only because they are forbidden by God. On the other hand, justice and mercy are morally good only because they are approved by God. The majority of divine command theorists hold that there is no intrinsic Good. Whatever is done and willed by God is good and whatever opposes the will of God is bad. As such, the good has its foundation and existence solely in Gods will. Indeed, it can be conceived that God can alter his mind and command murder. This is especially seen in the scriptures when he commanded Abraham to kill his son. He can also forbid acts of clemency. Simply by an act of will, God can change virtue into vice and vice into virtue. The divine command theory is first broached as a philosophical theory in Euthyphro. Euthyphro and Socrates are attempting to define holiness with Euthyphro proposing a definition that holiness is whatever is loved by the gods. According to Socrates, this definition is ambiguous in the sense that it does not offer any clear comprehension of whether something is holy simply because it is loved by the gods or whether its loved by the gods because it is already holy. By making a generalization from the case of holiness, it can be said that either something is morally good or right because God commands it to be so or that God commands it because it is morally good or right to begin with (Pojman, 2002). In other words, either moral value depends on the will of god or the will of god depends on moral value. In Euthyphro, the two options are dramatically presented. That is, either the source of value depends on the divine will or elsewhere. Both Socrates and Euthyphro agree that it lies elsewhere and therefore reject the divine command theory. They however do not explain where it rests. Platos view is right considering his god-independent Form of the Good. However, the argument in Euthyphro can be hardly applied to the Christian God. Platos argument, as taken by Leibniz and other philosophers may be seen in the following context; that â€Å"honoring ones parents is good because God has commanded it† implies the counterfactual that if God commanded other things, those other things would be good. God, by the theory, could have commanded those other things considering how powerful He is. According to the divine command theory, therefore, if God had commanded that one should dishonor his parents, then dishonoring parents would be obligatory instead of forbidden (Wilkens, 1995). This is however absurd. The divine command theory is thus committed to counterfactuals about what would have been good that are patently false. The implication is that, even though God commanded the good, this is only so because it is good and not that it is good because He commanded it. The dilemma in the question of whether what is holy is holy because the gods approve of it, or approve of it because it is holy can only be clearer if the polytheistic assumptions are eliminated and the term â€Å"holy† is replaced with â€Å"right†. If the question is restructured, it will appear as follows: does God command us to do what is right because it is right or something is right because God commands it? The question presents two possibilities. First, God’s commands can be conceived of to be right-indicating or pointing towards rightness. Second, it can be conceived of to be right-making or creating rightness. This question is whether God is viewed as a Supreme Court justice or a legislator. The justice comprehends the statutes and can therefore suggest what should be done for one to stay within the boundaries of the law. However, the law itself is independent of the justice. The legislator on the other hand does not just interpret but also creates law. Until the lawmaker legislates, the law is not in existence. The question thus is; which gives a better conception of God? Voluntarists see God as a legislator since they emphasize on His freedom, will and sovereignty. As such, God is not bounded to the dictates of some standard that He did not create. Instead, right is right because God legislates it. The declaration of God that particular actions are good is right making. This view of God as a legislator evades restricting His freedom and power. However, this may create another problem. If God is so radically free and powerful, could he create a world in which torture is good? If His saying so makes it right and there are no limitations on God, could he decide that rape is virtuous? Affirming this option is frightening since there is a natural inclination to believe that a command that we ought to rape would be morally repugnant, even if it emanated from God (Ross Stratton-Lake 2002). However, there is need to notice its implication. It assumes a standard of goodness that is independent of God. Otherwise we would not have at our disposal anything by which to measure the commands of God. With this regard, a conclusion can be derived that the gods approve of holy (right or goodness) because it is holy (right or good). Holiness is an objective feature of the world and as such, the moral order is just as a fundamental nature of the universe as the spatial or numeric structure of the universe. Our moral attitudes do not make actions good or right. Rather, they are responses to rightness or goodness. What makes our belief that something is good is the property or objective characteristic of being good that it possess. If one defines holiness as meaning what is approved by the gods, one is putting forward a naturalistic definition. If one however defines it as such that it ought to be desired, one is putting forward a non-naturalistic definition. However, both the definitions show that what is good is intrinsic as opposed to what the divine command theorists attempt to postulate. Holiness, goodness or rightness refer to a property or a quality of something and thus, this quality or property cannot be decided by the goods but rather exist independently of the will of the gods. However, there comes a challenge when they refer to a relational property rather than the intrinsic property of the things of which it is predicated. This is the major challenge not only to the divine command theorists but also to Euthyphro. References Plato, Euthyphro Pojman, L. (2002). Classics of Philosophy. Oxford University Press Ross, W. Stratton-Lake, P. (2002). The Right and the Good. Oxford University Press Wilkens, S. (1995). Beyond bumper sticker ethics: an introduction to theories of right wrong. InterVarsity Press

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Bluest Eye :: Essays Papers

Bluest Eye Pecola, an eleven-year-old black girl, is the protagonist of The Bluest Eye. Her family lives in grinding poverty in Lorain, Ohio. By 1941, her parents' marriage had turned bitter and violent. Cholly, her father, is an alcoholic and Pauline, her mother, prefers to retreat into the fantasy world of the movie theater. Surrounded by a culture that equates beauty with whiteness, Pecola becomes convinced that she is ugly because she has African features and dark skin. She prays to God every day for blue eyes, thinking that her family would suddenly become stable and loving if she were beautiful. The Bluest Eye, Toni Morrison’s first novel, examines racism, sexuality, and growing up in a hostile world. The novel focuses on three young girls: Pecola Breedlove and Claudia and Frieda McTeer. Claudia serves as the narrator of the book and summarizes the plot: Pecola was raped by her father, became pregnant with a child that died, and went insane. Cholly Breedlove is Pecola’s alcoholic father that spends time in jail, works on a chain gang, and kills three white men before meeting Pauline in Kentucky. Pauline Breedlove is Pecola's mother. A lonely woman, she is unable to face the pressures of the world; she often retreats to the fantasy world of the Movie Theater. She firmly subscribes to the notion that Caucasian features are the standard of beauty. Furthermore Pecola's parents, Cholly and Pauline, send their daughter to live with the McTeers because their own home has been destroyed in a fire Cholly started. Claudia and Frieda MacTeer are two poor young black girls from Lorain, Ohio. Claudia narrates parts of The Bluest Eye. Life is hard for the sisters, but their stern yet loving parents protects them. After Cholly burns down his family's house, Pecola comes to stay with the MacTeers. Frieda and Claudia quickly befriend her. Claudia resists the white ideal of beauty that entrances Pecola. The two sisters are loyal to Pecola, defending her against the taunts of their classmates and truly pitying her after the rape. They try to save Pecola's baby by planting the marigold seeds they had been selling to earn a new bicycle, but the flowers never bloom and Pecola's baby dies after being born prematurely. Bluest Eye :: Essays Papers Bluest Eye Pecola, an eleven-year-old black girl, is the protagonist of The Bluest Eye. Her family lives in grinding poverty in Lorain, Ohio. By 1941, her parents' marriage had turned bitter and violent. Cholly, her father, is an alcoholic and Pauline, her mother, prefers to retreat into the fantasy world of the movie theater. Surrounded by a culture that equates beauty with whiteness, Pecola becomes convinced that she is ugly because she has African features and dark skin. She prays to God every day for blue eyes, thinking that her family would suddenly become stable and loving if she were beautiful. The Bluest Eye, Toni Morrison’s first novel, examines racism, sexuality, and growing up in a hostile world. The novel focuses on three young girls: Pecola Breedlove and Claudia and Frieda McTeer. Claudia serves as the narrator of the book and summarizes the plot: Pecola was raped by her father, became pregnant with a child that died, and went insane. Cholly Breedlove is Pecola’s alcoholic father that spends time in jail, works on a chain gang, and kills three white men before meeting Pauline in Kentucky. Pauline Breedlove is Pecola's mother. A lonely woman, she is unable to face the pressures of the world; she often retreats to the fantasy world of the Movie Theater. She firmly subscribes to the notion that Caucasian features are the standard of beauty. Furthermore Pecola's parents, Cholly and Pauline, send their daughter to live with the McTeers because their own home has been destroyed in a fire Cholly started. Claudia and Frieda MacTeer are two poor young black girls from Lorain, Ohio. Claudia narrates parts of The Bluest Eye. Life is hard for the sisters, but their stern yet loving parents protects them. After Cholly burns down his family's house, Pecola comes to stay with the MacTeers. Frieda and Claudia quickly befriend her. Claudia resists the white ideal of beauty that entrances Pecola. The two sisters are loyal to Pecola, defending her against the taunts of their classmates and truly pitying her after the rape. They try to save Pecola's baby by planting the marigold seeds they had been selling to earn a new bicycle, but the flowers never bloom and Pecola's baby dies after being born prematurely.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Comparing Anxiety and Drug Use in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and The Sign

Anxiety and Drug Use in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and The Sign of the Four The life experiences and writings of the Victorians are peppered with anxiety.   External influences such as sweeping change or fear of change can produce unease, as seen in the their anxious attitude toward Darwinism and colonialization, which greatly influenced the political, spiritual, and psychological landscape of nineteenth century England.   However, for Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes and Robert Louis Stevenson's Dr. Jekyll, anxiety springs from an internal source: the human mind and its many urges.   For Jekyll, the anxiety is fueled by a desire to set free his evil urges; for Holmes, the catalyst is his proclaimed "boredom" with everyday life.   Jekyll and Holmes struggle with their separate anxieties and reach similar solutions.   Both the doctor and the detective choose a drug to alleviate their anxiety.   The unsuccessful outcomes that these chosen drugs produce speaks to the Victorian notion that anxiety could not be conquered.   The people who li ved and died under Queen Victoria not only dealt with anxiety in their own lives, but also fortified their literature with it.   Doyle's The Sign of Four and Stevenson's The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde explore two distinct anxieties and the consequences of using drugs to alleviate them. For both Holmes and Jekyll, an internal anxiety plagues their actions and thoughts.   An aversion to "boredom" troubles Holmes, while Jekyll struggles to come to terms with "man's dual nature" (Stevenson, 42).   Holmes defends his drug use by declaring: My mind... rebels at stagnation. Give me problems, give me work, give me the most abstruse cryptogram, or the most intricate analysis, and I am... ...fer from constitute an inability to deal with internal factors, while the Victorians suffered from an inability to deal with external factors.   For Victorians, anxiety over entertaining the impossible stemmed from Darwinism and colonialization, which was the catalyst for the dreaded fear of the "other."   If Holmes and Jekyll turned to drugs in the face of anxiety, what did the Victorians turn to?   Perhaps the rampant use of laudanum and opium was an attempt at easing the anxieties of a nervous culture.   One could turn to science, religion, or technology for comfort, but most likely these areas would simply cause more anxiety.   No matter what the answer is, it is clear that the anxiety of the Victorians carried over into their literature.   Without this cultural trait the world may never have been introduced to the insane Dr. Jekyll or the brooding Sherlock Holmes.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Under Armour

AU has been able o increase its North American brand awareness by showing the advantages of its differentiated product which has improved athletes' comfort and performance. In order to compete in the global markets against Nikkei and Ideas LILA should consider the following four alternatives: mergers or acquisitions, establishment of foreign subsidiaries, joint ventures, or a continuation of the North American strategy to be used in the international markets.The decision criteria used in evaluating each option looked primarily at how to increase CIA brand awareness and market share, the financial strain on ALGA sources, protection of CIA patents and intellectual property, and the level of control maintained by CIA It is recommended that AU pursue appropriate mergers or acquisitions that will increase its resources and competencies internationally and enable AU to more quickly build its market presence. Aqua's big competitors have been selling their performance apparel internationally for several years, with the added advantage of already having international brand recognition.Since CIA won't have the first-to-market advantage they had in the US Market they need to carefully find complementary companies that can assist in both brand cognition and in core understanding of the global markets. Significant resources will be required initially, but it is expected that this investment will be paid back within 3 to 4 years. If this alternative proves unsuccessful AU should consider a joint venture or alliance which shifts some of the risk on to those other participants.For the full recommendation and action plan please refer to pages 12 to 13. Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Identification 4 Backgrounds Problem Statement (Scope of Report) 4 Current Strategy 4 Analysis and Evaluation 5 External Analysis Macro-Environments Five Forces Analysis 6 Strategic Group Map 7 Key Success Factors Internal Analysis 9 SOTTO If uncial 9 Alternatives 10 1. Merger and Acquisition s 10 2. Foreign Subsidiaries (Greenfield Venture) 10 3. Joint Ventures and Alliances 11 4.Status Quo – Utilize the IIS Strategy Internationally 11 Decision Criteria 12 Recommendation 12 Action Plan 13 Contingency Plan 13 Appendix A 14 Appendix B 15 Bibliography 16 Identification Background Under Armor (AU), formerly known as KIP Sports, was founded in 1 996 by former University of Maryland football player Kevin Plank. KIP Sports was the originator Of performance apparel engineered with supreme moisture management to keep athletes cool, dry, and light throughout the course of a game, practice, or workout. The company's operations started out of the basement of Kevin Plank's grandmother's house.Shortly after founding KIP Sports, Kevin recruited one of his acquaintances from Maryland University to join the company as a partner. Kip Bulks, the gentlemen brought on as partner utilized his excellent credit rating to open 17 different credit card accounts to fund the cash flow requi rements of KIP Sports. By 1 998 the company's revenues had Increased efficiently enough for KIP Sports to acquire a $250,000 small business loan. The company was ever growing with a broader product line and consumer segments and from time to time it would take out additional loans needed to fund their working capital requirements.It was not until 1999 that Kevin recruited another acquaintance, a gentleman by the name of Ryan Wood from high school, to join the company as Vice President of Sales. In 2005, KIP Sports changed their name to under Armor and went public. This initial offering generated net proceeds of approximately $114. 9 million, from the 9. Million Class A Common stock issued. Problem Statement (Scope of Report) Although AU has done well in the present US market, carving out a sizeable market share, it is unknown how their current strategy will be able to compete with fierce rivals like Nikkei and Ideas on a global frontier.Their big competitors have been able to start selling their performance apparel internationally for several years, with the added advantage of already having international brand recognition, so CIA will no longer have the first-to-market advantage that they had in the US Market. If AU hopes to be successful in the lobar market, they will need to analyze their current strategy while exploring other possibilities to make an informed decision on how best to proceed.Current Strategy The company's principal business activities in 2012 were the development, marketing and distribution of branded performance apparel, footwear, and accessories for men, women, and youths. 90% of its sales were from North American, though international sales were growing. AU uses a broad differentiation strategy as its corporate strategy. It has developed its own patented fabrics to create a differentiated product that its customers are ailing to pay a premium for.Its growth strategy includes broadening its product lines, targeting additional consumer seg ments, increasing distribution, expanding internationally, and growing brand awareness. Aqua's business strategies include how it will compete in each of its product line offerings of apparel, footwear, and accessories for men, women, and youths. Its strategy is to offer a variety of styles and price levels for its customers that will improve comfort, performance, and mobility no matter what weather condition exists. For its apparel it has designed three lines of gear designed o work in various temperatures (Heather, Coolidge, and Legionnaires).Its footwear is designed to be light, breathable, and high performing. Its line of accessories (such as gloves, header and bags) has similar differentiated performance features as Aqua's other products. Aqua's main functional strategies include its marketing brand management and promotion strategies as well as its product design and development strategies. CIA has an extremely large marketing budget (close to 1 68 million in 2011 ) which incl udes athlete endorsements, sponsorship of sporting events and advertising costs.It utilizes an in-house promotion and marketing department whose focus is to increase demand and build brand awareness. Aqua's main retail marketing strategy is to obtain as much CIA exclusive floor space as possible in each Of its major retail stores. Aqua's product design and development strategy is to continually upgrade its products and to use â€Å"visible technology†Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ (Thompson, p C-51) to market the benefits of Aqua's products. There is a high degree of collaboration between the sales, product development, and sports marketing teams in identifying opportunities and markets.Aqua's key operating strategies include its distribution strategies and its sourcing, manufacturing and quality control strategies. Its distribution strategies included wholesale distribution (70%), direct-to-consumer sales (27%), and product licensing (3%). AU has two distribution facilities in Maryland, though it expects to add another facility overseas in the future. Many of Aqua's technically advanced fabrics were developed by third parties. These fabrics are available from a small number of sources. In 2011 CIA had 23 main manufacturers which operated in 16 countries.All manufacturers ad to follow stringent quality control processes and had to adhere to a code of conduct with respect to quality, working conditions and social concerns. Analysis and Evaluation External Analysis Macro-Environment The macro-environment is positive for the sports apparel industry without many restrictive influences in the political or regulatory realm. The most strategically relevant factors of the PESTLE analysis (political factors, economic conditions, socio-cultural forces, technological factors, environment forces, and legal/regulatory Factors) include the socio-cultural forces and technological factors as noted below:Socio-cultural Forces Recreational and professional sports are both very popular in North America and throughout the world. With an emphasis on active and healthy living in addition to the â€Å"life skills† learned in playing on sports teams schools and athletic associations offer many sports opportunities for all ages. Professional sports are a multi-billion dollar industry with athletes and coaches making very large salaries. Although there may be aging demographics in some areas of the world enthusiasm for sports remains high.Technological Factors Technology has only continued to improve as sports apparel companies onetime to refine and develop the relatively newly available â€Å"technologically advanced fabrics and specialized manufacturing techniques† (Thompson, p C-43) in an effort to create a more comfortable, drier experience for the athlete. Great strides continue to be made with these products. Five Forces Analysis Competition from Rival Sellers (Strong): Competition among rival sellers is intense. There are approximately 25 brand-name competit ors in the market for sports apparel, athletic footwear and related accessories in which (AU competes.Aqua's major competitors in its sports performance apparel and athletic footwear include Nikkei, Inc. ND the Ideas Group, both highly successful brand-name global companies. AU competes with other top name brands, such as Columbia, Spryer, and North Face in its performance Skewer products. Nikkei is the clear market leader with approximately 17% of the footwear market share and 4. 4% of the sports apparel market share. Customer Bargaining Power (Strong): Since approximately 70% of AU sales are from retailers, the retailers do have Strong bargaining power. 5% of all retail sales are to large retail chains who also sell Aqua's competitor products. They have the discretion as to whether to allocate a certain level of floor space exclusively to CIA or not. Although there is some differentiation in products between competitors many of the products are fairly standardized, increasing cust omer bargaining power. The cost of switching to competitor brands is likely fairly low as all competitors will be fighting for key retail space. Supplier Bargaining Power (Moderate): CIA specialty fabrics and other raw materials come from a relatively small number of sources.In 2011 , a little more than half of the fabrics used came from six suppliers in several different countries. With only six suppliers for such a large volume the suppliers do have some leverage in increasing their prices. It seems that it may be difficult for LILA to find alternative suppliers, though these suppliers must also depend on the revenues from CIA As such, they will not want to price themselves out of the market and they will want to see CIA succeed. Competition from Potential New Entrants (Weak): Given the strength and number of large brand name competitors already in the industry the threat of new entrants is relatively weak.The Ideas Group has several well-known brands within its company, such as R ebook, Rocket, ND Ideas. Nikkei and CIA are also well-known brands. All of these companies participate heavily in sponsoring sporting events and invest significantly in athlete endorsements. As a result, there are high degrees of customer loyalty, making it difficult for new entrants. These large companies also have well-established networks of distributors. All of these things as well as the capital investment requirements limit the potential of new entrants to the industry.Competition from Producers of Substitute Products (Weak): Although it is unlikely that there are significant substitute products in existence, CIA and its success shows that it is possible for a creative company to enter the industry with some sort of product which would be more appealing. Additionally, both Nikkei and Ideas spend significant amounts of money on research and development. It is possible that one of these competitors will be able to develop a next generation substitute product. Us Mary Overall, th e industry competitive forces are moderate to strong.The competition among rival sellers is quite intense and the retail buyers have significant power in working with all of these sellers. Brand image and loyalty re important in this industry. Nikkei is a well-established company and the clear market leader, but the Ideas Group is also a global leader. CIA has done very well at establishing a solid market share in its sports apparel and training/fitness clothing. Strong profitability is evident in this industry as can be seen in the net profit margins among Nikkei, the Ideas Group, and Under Armor.Strategic Group Map Key Success Factors Performance and Reliability – To remain competitive in this industry, CIA products must meet or exceed customer expectations for high performance and reliability. CIA was founded on creating clothing that was cooler, drier, and more comfortable for its athletes. AU must continue producing high quality items which can be counted on. This includ es utilizing high quality standards. New Product Development -? In this competitive environment it is important that AU invest sufficient funds into research and development so that it can gain improvements in its fabrics and its products.Additionally, CIA must keep a sufficient number and styles of products available to be able to meet various consumer segments, such as it has done with Heather, Coolidge, and Legionnaires. CIA will need to re-examine its product line and its inventory management systems to ensure it is able to better meet customer needs without high levels of excess inventory. Pricing – Due to the number of brand name competitors in the industry with similar products an appropriate pricing strategy is crucial to Aqua's success. CIA will have to remain vigilant in watching competitor prices and discounts given.Brand and Product Image – Each competitor in this industry will need to continually work on communicating and maintaining its overall brand imag e that is consistent with its mission and vision. Additionally, certain key products should have high visibility in terms of the image they represent. Loyalty from customers will be driven in part by these branding images. Customer Support and Services – In part a company is only as strong as it is perceived to be by its customers. Aqua's retailers and its direct sale customers must be treated fairly and be given adequate support when purchasing AU products.Retailers (representing 70% of sales in 2011) will be driven to work with La's competitors if customer support and service is lacking. If Under Armor is able to successfully manage each of these key success actors which matter to its customers it should have continued competitive success for the long-term. Conclusion The external environment is conducive to successful results and profitability for the current competitors in the sports apparel industry. Although CIA is competing against some large global rivals it has been able to gain substantial market share from 0. 6 percent in 2003 to almost 2. 8 percent in 2011.This is compared with 7. 0% market share for Nikkei and 5. 4% market share for Ideas. AU should be able to remain competitive and earn reasonable profits as long s management remains attentive and pro-active With any changes in the environment. Internal Analysis SOOT under Armor has a variety of strengths which allows them to compete in the highly competitive sports apparel industry. Over the years, the business has focused on building an authentic brand with high quality apparel that has allowed them to gain significant market share from their competitors. Below you will find an analysis of their internal and external environments.Strengths Built an incredibly powerful and authentic brand in a relatively short time Became the official footwear supplier of major league baseball Uses superior scenically advanced fabrics Weaknesses International presence is very low Limited number of distrib utors to ship their products Insufficient tools in place to manage inventory efficiently and accurately Opportunities Ability to broaden Aqua's product offerings for wear in a variety of recreational activities and sports Athletic wear, a category historically dominated by men, is seeing significant growth with females Gender equality continues to grow in other parts of the world The reads Highly competitive market Competitors have a well established footprint in international markets Materials used in AU products are petroleum-based synthesis and therefore subject to crude oil price fluctuation If uncial Under Armor financial shows both positive and negatives (see Appendix A for the full financial details). The profitability ratios are in good standing and are relatively stable over the 5 year period 2006-201 1.The gross profit ratio indicates that CIA has enough revenues to cover operating expenses and leave the company with a profit. The net profit margin shows that their after t ax profits per dollar of sale decreased from 9. 05% in 2006 to 6. 58% in 2011. That is a drop of 2. 47%. The return on total assets and return on shareholder's equity have both decreased from 2006-201 1. A return of 12-15% range is average and Under Armor is at 15. 23% as of 201 1 which is within the range. Liquidity analysis shows that the working capital has improved over the years. As of 2011, the company has $506,056 of internal funds to cover its current liabilities. That is $332,667 more that in 2006 showing a big improvement The leverage ratios show the negative side of Under Armor.The debt to asset ratio has been increasing from 2% in 2006 to 8% in 201 1. This means hat 8% of borrowed funds have been used to finance assets. Also the debt to equity ratio has increased from 3% to 12%. This signifies lower creditworthiness, potential excessive debt and a weaker balance sheet. On the other hand, in order for a business to continue growing and compete with the industry taking on additional loans is a requirement. Even though it appears that CIA has the capability to pay off the debts these ratios should be watched carefully to ensure that covenants are not broken. The activity ratios show that AU inventory management efficiency has decreased over the years. Under Armour AU has been able o increase its North American brand awareness by showing the advantages of its differentiated product which has improved athletes' comfort and performance. In order to compete in the global markets against Nikkei and Ideas LILA should consider the following four alternatives: mergers or acquisitions, establishment of foreign subsidiaries, joint ventures, or a continuation of the North American strategy to be used in the international markets.The decision criteria used in evaluating each option looked primarily at how to increase CIA brand awareness and market share, the financial strain on ALGA sources, protection of CIA patents and intellectual property, and the level of control maintained by CIA It is recommended that AU pursue appropriate mergers or acquisitions that will increase its resources and competencies internationally and enable AU to more quickly build its market presence. Aqua's big competitors have been selling their performance apparel internationally for several years, with the added advantage of already having international brand recognition.Since CIA won't have the first-to-market advantage they had in the US Market they need to carefully find complementary companies that can assist in both brand cognition and in core understanding of the global markets. Significant resources will be required initially, but it is expected that this investment will be paid back within 3 to 4 years. If this alternative proves unsuccessful AU should consider a joint venture or alliance which shifts some of the risk on to those other participants.For the full recommendation and action plan please refer to pages 12 to 13. Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Identification 4 Backgrounds Problem Statement (Scope of Report) 4 Current Strategy 4 Analysis and Evaluation 5 External Analysis Macro-Environments Five Forces Analysis 6 Strategic Group Map 7 Key Success Factors Internal Analysis 9 SOTTO If uncial 9 Alternatives 10 1. Merger and Acquisition s 10 2. Foreign Subsidiaries (Greenfield Venture) 10 3. Joint Ventures and Alliances 11 4.Status Quo – Utilize the IIS Strategy Internationally 11 Decision Criteria 12 Recommendation 12 Action Plan 13 Contingency Plan 13 Appendix A 14 Appendix B 15 Bibliography 16 Identification Background Under Armor (AU), formerly known as KIP Sports, was founded in 1 996 by former University of Maryland football player Kevin Plank. KIP Sports was the originator Of performance apparel engineered with supreme moisture management to keep athletes cool, dry, and light throughout the course of a game, practice, or workout. The company's operations started out of the basement of Kevin Plank's grandmother's house.Shortly after founding KIP Sports, Kevin recruited one of his acquaintances from Maryland University to join the company as a partner. Kip Bulks, the gentlemen brought on as partner utilized his excellent credit rating to open 17 different credit card accounts to fund the cash flow requi rements of KIP Sports. By 1 998 the company's revenues had Increased efficiently enough for KIP Sports to acquire a $250,000 small business loan. The company was ever growing with a broader product line and consumer segments and from time to time it would take out additional loans needed to fund their working capital requirements.It was not until 1999 that Kevin recruited another acquaintance, a gentleman by the name of Ryan Wood from high school, to join the company as Vice President of Sales. In 2005, KIP Sports changed their name to under Armor and went public. This initial offering generated net proceeds of approximately $114. 9 million, from the 9. Million Class A Common stock issued. Problem Statement (Scope of Report) Although AU has done well in the present US market, carving out a sizeable market share, it is unknown how their current strategy will be able to compete with fierce rivals like Nikkei and Ideas on a global frontier.Their big competitors have been able to start selling their performance apparel internationally for several years, with the added advantage of already having international brand recognition, so CIA will no longer have the first-to-market advantage that they had in the US Market. If AU hopes to be successful in the lobar market, they will need to analyze their current strategy while exploring other possibilities to make an informed decision on how best to proceed.Current Strategy The company's principal business activities in 2012 were the development, marketing and distribution of branded performance apparel, footwear, and accessories for men, women, and youths. 90% of its sales were from North American, though international sales were growing. AU uses a broad differentiation strategy as its corporate strategy. It has developed its own patented fabrics to create a differentiated product that its customers are ailing to pay a premium for.Its growth strategy includes broadening its product lines, targeting additional consumer seg ments, increasing distribution, expanding internationally, and growing brand awareness. Aqua's business strategies include how it will compete in each of its product line offerings of apparel, footwear, and accessories for men, women, and youths. Its strategy is to offer a variety of styles and price levels for its customers that will improve comfort, performance, and mobility no matter what weather condition exists. For its apparel it has designed three lines of gear designed o work in various temperatures (Heather, Coolidge, and Legionnaires).Its footwear is designed to be light, breathable, and high performing. Its line of accessories (such as gloves, header and bags) has similar differentiated performance features as Aqua's other products. Aqua's main functional strategies include its marketing brand management and promotion strategies as well as its product design and development strategies. CIA has an extremely large marketing budget (close to 1 68 million in 2011 ) which incl udes athlete endorsements, sponsorship of sporting events and advertising costs.It utilizes an in-house promotion and marketing department whose focus is to increase demand and build brand awareness. Aqua's main retail marketing strategy is to obtain as much CIA exclusive floor space as possible in each Of its major retail stores. Aqua's product design and development strategy is to continually upgrade its products and to use â€Å"visible technology†Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ (Thompson, p C-51) to market the benefits of Aqua's products. There is a high degree of collaboration between the sales, product development, and sports marketing teams in identifying opportunities and markets.Aqua's key operating strategies include its distribution strategies and its sourcing, manufacturing and quality control strategies. Its distribution strategies included wholesale distribution (70%), direct-to-consumer sales (27%), and product licensing (3%). AU has two distribution facilities in Maryland, though it expects to add another facility overseas in the future. Many of Aqua's technically advanced fabrics were developed by third parties. These fabrics are available from a small number of sources. In 2011 CIA had 23 main manufacturers which operated in 16 countries.All manufacturers ad to follow stringent quality control processes and had to adhere to a code of conduct with respect to quality, working conditions and social concerns. Analysis and Evaluation External Analysis Macro-Environment The macro-environment is positive for the sports apparel industry without many restrictive influences in the political or regulatory realm. The most strategically relevant factors of the PESTLE analysis (political factors, economic conditions, socio-cultural forces, technological factors, environment forces, and legal/regulatory Factors) include the socio-cultural forces and technological factors as noted below:Socio-cultural Forces Recreational and professional sports are both very popular in North America and throughout the world. With an emphasis on active and healthy living in addition to the â€Å"life skills† learned in playing on sports teams schools and athletic associations offer many sports opportunities for all ages. Professional sports are a multi-billion dollar industry with athletes and coaches making very large salaries. Although there may be aging demographics in some areas of the world enthusiasm for sports remains high.Technological Factors Technology has only continued to improve as sports apparel companies onetime to refine and develop the relatively newly available â€Å"technologically advanced fabrics and specialized manufacturing techniques† (Thompson, p C-43) in an effort to create a more comfortable, drier experience for the athlete. Great strides continue to be made with these products. Five Forces Analysis Competition from Rival Sellers (Strong): Competition among rival sellers is intense. There are approximately 25 brand-name competit ors in the market for sports apparel, athletic footwear and related accessories in which (AU competes.Aqua's major competitors in its sports performance apparel and athletic footwear include Nikkei, Inc. ND the Ideas Group, both highly successful brand-name global companies. AU competes with other top name brands, such as Columbia, Spryer, and North Face in its performance Skewer products. Nikkei is the clear market leader with approximately 17% of the footwear market share and 4. 4% of the sports apparel market share. Customer Bargaining Power (Strong): Since approximately 70% of AU sales are from retailers, the retailers do have Strong bargaining power. 5% of all retail sales are to large retail chains who also sell Aqua's competitor products. They have the discretion as to whether to allocate a certain level of floor space exclusively to CIA or not. Although there is some differentiation in products between competitors many of the products are fairly standardized, increasing cust omer bargaining power. The cost of switching to competitor brands is likely fairly low as all competitors will be fighting for key retail space. Supplier Bargaining Power (Moderate): CIA specialty fabrics and other raw materials come from a relatively small number of sources.In 2011 , a little more than half of the fabrics used came from six suppliers in several different countries. With only six suppliers for such a large volume the suppliers do have some leverage in increasing their prices. It seems that it may be difficult for LILA to find alternative suppliers, though these suppliers must also depend on the revenues from CIA As such, they will not want to price themselves out of the market and they will want to see CIA succeed. Competition from Potential New Entrants (Weak): Given the strength and number of large brand name competitors already in the industry the threat of new entrants is relatively weak.The Ideas Group has several well-known brands within its company, such as R ebook, Rocket, ND Ideas. Nikkei and CIA are also well-known brands. All of these companies participate heavily in sponsoring sporting events and invest significantly in athlete endorsements. As a result, there are high degrees of customer loyalty, making it difficult for new entrants. These large companies also have well-established networks of distributors. All of these things as well as the capital investment requirements limit the potential of new entrants to the industry.Competition from Producers of Substitute Products (Weak): Although it is unlikely that there are significant substitute products in existence, CIA and its success shows that it is possible for a creative company to enter the industry with some sort of product which would be more appealing. Additionally, both Nikkei and Ideas spend significant amounts of money on research and development. It is possible that one of these competitors will be able to develop a next generation substitute product. Us Mary Overall, th e industry competitive forces are moderate to strong.The competition among rival sellers is quite intense and the retail buyers have significant power in working with all of these sellers. Brand image and loyalty re important in this industry. Nikkei is a well-established company and the clear market leader, but the Ideas Group is also a global leader. CIA has done very well at establishing a solid market share in its sports apparel and training/fitness clothing. Strong profitability is evident in this industry as can be seen in the net profit margins among Nikkei, the Ideas Group, and Under Armor.Strategic Group Map Key Success Factors Performance and Reliability – To remain competitive in this industry, CIA products must meet or exceed customer expectations for high performance and reliability. CIA was founded on creating clothing that was cooler, drier, and more comfortable for its athletes. AU must continue producing high quality items which can be counted on. This includ es utilizing high quality standards. New Product Development -? In this competitive environment it is important that AU invest sufficient funds into research and development so that it can gain improvements in its fabrics and its products.Additionally, CIA must keep a sufficient number and styles of products available to be able to meet various consumer segments, such as it has done with Heather, Coolidge, and Legionnaires. CIA will need to re-examine its product line and its inventory management systems to ensure it is able to better meet customer needs without high levels of excess inventory. Pricing – Due to the number of brand name competitors in the industry with similar products an appropriate pricing strategy is crucial to Aqua's success. CIA will have to remain vigilant in watching competitor prices and discounts given.Brand and Product Image – Each competitor in this industry will need to continually work on communicating and maintaining its overall brand imag e that is consistent with its mission and vision. Additionally, certain key products should have high visibility in terms of the image they represent. Loyalty from customers will be driven in part by these branding images. Customer Support and Services – In part a company is only as strong as it is perceived to be by its customers. Aqua's retailers and its direct sale customers must be treated fairly and be given adequate support when purchasing AU products.Retailers (representing 70% of sales in 2011) will be driven to work with La's competitors if customer support and service is lacking. If Under Armor is able to successfully manage each of these key success actors which matter to its customers it should have continued competitive success for the long-term. Conclusion The external environment is conducive to successful results and profitability for the current competitors in the sports apparel industry. Although CIA is competing against some large global rivals it has been able to gain substantial market share from 0. 6 percent in 2003 to almost 2. 8 percent in 2011.This is compared with 7. 0% market share for Nikkei and 5. 4% market share for Ideas. AU should be able to remain competitive and earn reasonable profits as long s management remains attentive and pro-active With any changes in the environment. Internal Analysis SOOT under Armor has a variety of strengths which allows them to compete in the highly competitive sports apparel industry. Over the years, the business has focused on building an authentic brand with high quality apparel that has allowed them to gain significant market share from their competitors. Below you will find an analysis of their internal and external environments.Strengths Built an incredibly powerful and authentic brand in a relatively short time Became the official footwear supplier of major league baseball Uses superior scenically advanced fabrics Weaknesses International presence is very low Limited number of distrib utors to ship their products Insufficient tools in place to manage inventory efficiently and accurately Opportunities Ability to broaden Aqua's product offerings for wear in a variety of recreational activities and sports Athletic wear, a category historically dominated by men, is seeing significant growth with females Gender equality continues to grow in other parts of the world The reads Highly competitive market Competitors have a well established footprint in international markets Materials used in AU products are petroleum-based synthesis and therefore subject to crude oil price fluctuation If uncial Under Armor financial shows both positive and negatives (see Appendix A for the full financial details). The profitability ratios are in good standing and are relatively stable over the 5 year period 2006-201 1.The gross profit ratio indicates that CIA has enough revenues to cover operating expenses and leave the company with a profit. The net profit margin shows that their after t ax profits per dollar of sale decreased from 9. 05% in 2006 to 6. 58% in 2011. That is a drop of 2. 47%. The return on total assets and return on shareholder's equity have both decreased from 2006-201 1. A return of 12-15% range is average and Under Armor is at 15. 23% as of 201 1 which is within the range. Liquidity analysis shows that the working capital has improved over the years. As of 2011, the company has $506,056 of internal funds to cover its current liabilities. That is $332,667 more that in 2006 showing a big improvement The leverage ratios show the negative side of Under Armor.The debt to asset ratio has been increasing from 2% in 2006 to 8% in 201 1. This means hat 8% of borrowed funds have been used to finance assets. Also the debt to equity ratio has increased from 3% to 12%. This signifies lower creditworthiness, potential excessive debt and a weaker balance sheet. On the other hand, in order for a business to continue growing and compete with the industry taking on additional loans is a requirement. Even though it appears that CIA has the capability to pay off the debts these ratios should be watched carefully to ensure that covenants are not broken. The activity ratios show that AU inventory management efficiency has decreased over the years.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Implicit Association Test Essays

Implicit Association Test Essays Implicit Association Test Essay Implicit Association Test Essay Point: Implicit Association Test By: Jessica Dodd Jessica Dodd December 27, 2010 ETH/ 125 The results for my IAT were: (1) 35% strong automatic preference for young people compared to old people, (2) 29 % moderate automatic preference for young people compared to old people, (3) 16% slight automatic preference for young people compared to old people, (4) little to no automatic preference between young and old people, (5) 4% slight automatic preference for old people compared to young people, (6) 2% moderate automatic preference for old people compared to young people, and (7) 0. % strong automatic preference for old people compared to young people. My data suggests that I prefer young people for old people in general. I have to agree to my results because I am prejudice against those who are old in terms of a resource for information. In this world we live in, it is the young teaching the old about the new world. Technology advances and everything that surrounds have propelled young people to be much more successful and the new thinking has increased the standard of living. I do not believe it is difficult to measure a person’s prejudice, this test though rather boring, proved my prejudice for preferring young people over the old. I still think there are old people who contribute however it is the young who will continue to influence the world and take society into new places. Sociologists probably use similar tests like this and another test they might take are surveys which contain statements that might suggest prejudice.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Americas Youth and TOdays Violence essays

Americas Youth and TOdays Violence essays Americas Youth and Todays Violence The media believes every child is capable of what happened at Columbine. Therefore, when a person picks up a paper or turns to his or her favorite news channel, all they learn about is how schools are enforcing new rules and regulations to control violence. People hear about the media blaming everything as a part of todays violence in schools. The media blames different groups of people, as a part of todays violence in the schools. The incident at Columbine was a freak act of violence, and there are hardly any children that would have anything to do with violence of this nature. The media thinks there may be someone to blame for why kids turn to violence. They blame TV, movies, music, and even athletes. The media could blame parents. The media blames high school athletes for the violence in schools. For many youth, their role models are athletes, but for others, athletes are their worst nightmares. In my high school, athletics was everything. Many of the athletes would pick on the little guys or under class men. The athletes at my school were bullies, but to my knowledge no one wanted to come in and shoot an athlete. How many students go into schools and just start shooting and being violent. Most students of today do not promote that type of violence. In fact, many athletes of all levels inspire youth to do better in school, to work as a team, and to try harder to give their all. Some examples of professional athletes that inspire youth are Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, Peyton Manning, and Chamique Holdsclaw. They all encourage youth to do their best. And since Athletes encourage positive actions and do not promote violence, athletes should not be the ones to blame. Athletes encourage kids to stay in school and motivate them to make good grades so that they can participate in sports. When children are participating, they stay out of trouble. Chi ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Gummy Bear Osmosis Lab Report Essay Example

Gummy Bear Osmosis Lab Report Essay Example Gummy Bear Osmosis Lab Report Paper Gummy Bear Osmosis Lab Report Paper Tiffany Parker Mr Taylor Biology 6th period 2/12/15 Gummy Bear Osmosis Lab Report Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to measure the amount of Osmosis in different types of solutions and to see how a cell would react in different types of solutions. Hypothesis: My hypothesis for this experiment is that the Gummy bear will absorb more of the plain tap and sugar water and the salt water will shrink the gummy Procedure: Materials- 3 clear cups, one spoon, 3 gummy bears, timer, tap water, salt, sugar, ruler, and beaker Fill one cup of tap water, one cup f tap water and salt, and one cup with tap water and sugar. Measure the 3 different gummies height, width and weight balance before putting them into the solutions. Put a different gummy bear in each of the solutions. Time for about 24 hours then remove each one with a spoon carefully. Now measure their height, width and weight balance again. Data Collection: BEFORE Salt water gummy Sugar water gummy Tap water gummy Height CM Width LLC Weight balance g AFTER 1. CM CM CM . CM 2. CM leg 3. G Representing Data: Conclusion: My data clearly shows the differences between the height, width, ND weight balance before and after the lab. Also that the salt water gummy height was the only one to decrease, while the Tap water gummy increased the most (CM). I think the Tap water increased the gummies size the most because its easier for the gummy bear to soak in plain tap water than sugar water because the gummy already has the sugars in it. : The salt water gummy shrunk because salt soaks up water and other substances. The sugar water gummy barley increased because I think the gummy already has sugar in it so I really just absorbed a bit of the water. I would like to point out not only did the gummy shrink in the salt water but I also was very sticky unlike the tap water which was a little slimy and the sugary water gummy felt a like sticky but not that bad. The Weight balance of the gummy bears can most accurately show you how the different solutions affect the gummy bear (cell) because the any substance can change the height and change the width yet it could still be the same weight yet if you look at the weight you can determine that the gummy bear (cell) if is a different height and width. In this lab diffusion can be taken place just as cells o, the gummy take in the solutions and eventually the solution will escape if not kept in solution. The lab is using the gummy bears to show how cells work because cells can take in more and less concentrated solutions just as gummy bears do but it leaves a different appearance depending on the solution. In conclusion my hypothesis was partly correct, the gummy did absorb more tap water and the salt water did decrease the size of the gummy but, the sugar water gummy did not increase as much I thought it would have, it absorbed very very little so it didnt change any appearance much at all.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Taking a Final Exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Taking a Final Exam - Essay Example This will not result in a high grade because information needs to be taken in gradually. If you have revised all your study material leading up to the exam, then it is best not to do any study on the day of the exam because your mind needs to be relaxed and at ease. Carrying on from this idea, part of your preparation is getting enough rest the night before a crucial exam. The likelihood is that tiredness will cause you to perform below your capabilities. A rested mind increases the chances of doing well because you will be able to think clearly when answering each question. Furthermore, you can better prepare for a final exam by giving yourself short quizzes to check if you know the material. This can be best done with one of your classmates—you can even quiz each other. These questions should simple questions from your textbook. In conclusion, exam preparation is a key part of performing well on a final exam. If you fail to prepare properly for a final exam, then you should expect to do poorly. On the other hand, if you study all your material, rest your mind, and quiz yourself, the chances of scoring highly will increase dramatically. The more of these tips that can be done means it is more likely that you will attain a good

Friday, October 18, 2019

International Finance (concept of value in corporate finance ) Essay

International Finance (concept of value in corporate finance ) - Essay Example In the statement of Broughton in regard to value, reference is also made to risk, as influencing value. The methods used for pricing risk are analyzed below. At the same time, the different levels of risk related to different cash flows are explained. In this way, the concept of value, which is highly influenced by risk, is made clearer. Being aware of value, as part of business environment, and risk, it is easier to understand the criteria on which the identification of a firm’s future value will be based. At a first level, the statement of Broughton (2010) on value and its role in business should be critically analyzed. Then it would be possible to explain the interaction between value and risk, as these two concepts can highly affect business processes. In any case, reference should be primarily made to the context of value; then, its aspects would be easier understood. Abrams (2004) notes that a general definition of value cannot reflect the precise nature or the role of v alue. However, Abrams (2004) explains that such definition cannot be rejected. Rather it should be used as the basis for developing an accurate definition of value. For example, reference can be made to the following definition: ‘value is a fair return or equivalent in goods, services or money for something exchanged’ (Abrams 2004, p.6). This definition is accurate, as possible; still, it is not effective enough for covering all aspects of the activities of a particular organization. The definition of business value provided by Babar (2010) reflects another aspect of the specific concept; according to the above researcher business value ‘is defined according to the level that the customer uses a particular product’ (Babar 2010, p.136). A series of standards, as for example ‘the Fair Market Value and the Investment Value’ (Abrams 2004, p.6) has been introduced for ensuring that the different aspects of value, as an element of the business enviro nment are made clear. Kontio and Conradi (2002) promote the following definition of value: ‘value is the trade-off between benefits and sacrifices’ (Kontio and Conradi 2002, p.260). It is also made clear that in business value can be related both to monetary and non-monetary elements; for example, in business area, value can be used for reflecting the position of an organization within the local or the international market (Kontio and Conradi 2002, p.260). Of course, the use of the term value for reflecting different aspects of organizational activities is always possible. For example, the term value can be use for showing the perceptions of a firm’s shareholders in regard to the financial status of their organization (Useem 1993); these perceptions are commonly described using the term shareholder value (Useem 1993). From a similar point of view, the term value can be used for showing the financial strength of an organization, as the firm’s managers evalu ate this strength after reviewing the firm’s financial performance but also its assets (Segal 2011). One of the key characteristics of

Article analysis about organizational culture Essay

Article analysis about organizational culture - Essay Example At a first level, a brief description of the article should be provided. After being 12 years in the firm, Greg Smith had realized that the behavior of the organization towards its clients was not appropriate. For this reason, Greg decided to leave the firm even if he had no complaints for his treatment as a member of the workforce (Urstadt 2012). The article is based on the experience of Greg, as an employee of the particular organization, and does not include details in regard to the firm’s employment policies. However, the article reveals an important characteristic of the firm: the lack of publicity in regard to the organization’s culture (Urstadt 2012). The article leads the reader to contradictory assumptions: at a first level, Smith had felt that he should terminate his contract with the specific firm as he could not tolerate the way that the firm’s employees had to treat the customers. On the other hand, Smith notes that despite his opposition in regard t o the firm’s practices the benefits that an individual can enjoy by working in the particular organization are significant. The article includes the personal views of the author, Urstadt (2012) in regard to the story of Greg Smith. ... A major firm, like Goldman Sachs, would be expected to have clear rules in regard to the promotion of ethics and fairness across its departments. Still, through the article of Greg it is revealed that well-known firms, such as Goldman Sachs, do not necessarily operate on the basis of a particular cultural framework. Rather, they can continuously alternate their policies, as appropriate, so that the success of their operations is guaranteed. In the context of a multidimensional analysis, the article would be analyzed by using different criteria. The article has been well-structured showing providing primarily a brief description of Greg’s qualities, as an employee, and of his position within the particular organization. Then, reference is made to the organizational practice that led Greg to leave the firm, i.e. the use of an offensive word by managers when discussing for customers (Urstadt 2012). At the next level, the author gives his personal view on Greg’s justificati ons in regard to his decision to terminate his employment contract with Goldman Sacks. Reference is made to the character of Greg, especially of his lack of awareness in regard to his actual capabilities. The benefits that Greg enjoyed as an employee of Goldman Sachs are also presented. In this way, readers are able to evaluate the appropriateness of Greg’s decision and his actual motives. Using the theory related to organizational culture, the following issues would be highlighted: the organizational culture of each firm needs to be clearly stated so that its stakeholders are able to understand their role in relation to the firm’s activities. However, it is possible, under certain terms, that the elements of organizational culture are not made known to the public.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

International Business strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

International Business strategy - Essay Example The Starbucks Corporation faced many strategic challenges in its international business operations in the year 2006. Main challenges were from the well established local players in the host countries. Business strategies of Starbucks were not supportive for satisfying the international customers for a long term. The follow up of basic principles in the translational business also was helpful only to a certain extent of time period. Business principles like self service rule and no smoking rule in the premises helped to attract the youngsters and non-smoking customers to the shop and helped to attract a large number of customers in the initial stage of the business. But it was not capable of sustaining the customers for a long term. . The quality and taste of Starbucks products is not capable of attracting and sustaining the customers in the competitive environment. Operational costs such as hiring employees and buying leases were very huge and it reduced the rate of business profit. Training of personnel and promotion of products required large amount of investment. Operational problems resulting from lack of a trained work force and suitable real estate for its stores also affected the profitability and market growth of Starbucks in international market. The volatile political environment in the Middle East region imposed restrictions over the business operations of Starbucks. The political attitude in the Middle East was against the US due to its strong relation with Israel. As a US based company, Starbucks faced boycott problems from the customers in the Middle East region. The owner of Starbucks firm is a Jewish personality and it intensified the situations. Resistance from customers as a result of the alleged close relation between USA and Israel affected the business growth in Middle East region. NGOs were also against Starbucks activities and it restricted the availability of certified coffee beans

Summarising Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Summarising - Assignment Example High and Sangamo BioSciences, Inc., scientists used Zinc Finger Nucleases (ZFNs) genetically engineered enzymes that act as molecular word processors to edit mutated sequences of DNA. Since scientists have learnt how to design custom-matched ZFNs to a specific gene location, they designed ZFNs specifically for factor nine genes (F9) and used it in conjunction with a DNA sequence to restore the normal gene function lost in hemophilia. ZFNs are more advantageous compared to conventional genes since they target a precise place in a sequence of chromosomes (High). Conventional genes may deliver a replacement gene to an unwanted location resulting to bypassing of normal biological regulatory components controlling the gene hence cause risk of â€Å"insertion mutagenesis†. An inherited single-gene mutation in hemophilia impairs a patient’s ability to produce blood-clotting proteins. This results to spontaneous life-threatening bleeding episodes. Hemophilia has two major forms, A and B, which occurs solely in males. They result from lack of clotting factors VIII and IX respectively. In a recent study, researchers used genetic engineering to produce a hemophilia B mouse. Prior treatment, the mouse depicted no levels of clotting factor IX since previous studies by different researchers shown that ZFNs could accomplish genome editing if injected into mice for sickle cell disease treatment. However, the ex living animal approach was not feasible for many human genetic diseases affecting whole organ system (Shangzhen). Therefore, the current study was testing genome-editing effectiveness when performed in a vivo. The researchers designed two vector versions using Adeno-associated virus. One vector ferried ZFNs for editing while the other delivered a correctly functioning version of the F9 gene. Since different mutations in the same gene may cause hemophilia, the process replaced seven different coding sequences, covering 95% of the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

International Business strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

International Business strategy - Essay Example The Starbucks Corporation faced many strategic challenges in its international business operations in the year 2006. Main challenges were from the well established local players in the host countries. Business strategies of Starbucks were not supportive for satisfying the international customers for a long term. The follow up of basic principles in the translational business also was helpful only to a certain extent of time period. Business principles like self service rule and no smoking rule in the premises helped to attract the youngsters and non-smoking customers to the shop and helped to attract a large number of customers in the initial stage of the business. But it was not capable of sustaining the customers for a long term. . The quality and taste of Starbucks products is not capable of attracting and sustaining the customers in the competitive environment. Operational costs such as hiring employees and buying leases were very huge and it reduced the rate of business profit. Training of personnel and promotion of products required large amount of investment. Operational problems resulting from lack of a trained work force and suitable real estate for its stores also affected the profitability and market growth of Starbucks in international market. The volatile political environment in the Middle East region imposed restrictions over the business operations of Starbucks. The political attitude in the Middle East was against the US due to its strong relation with Israel. As a US based company, Starbucks faced boycott problems from the customers in the Middle East region. The owner of Starbucks firm is a Jewish personality and it intensified the situations. Resistance from customers as a result of the alleged close relation between USA and Israel affected the business growth in Middle East region. NGOs were also against Starbucks activities and it restricted the availability of certified coffee beans

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Martin Luther On the Freedom of a Christian Man (Response Paper) Essay

Martin Luther On the Freedom of a Christian Man (Response Paper) - Essay Example is period, Reformation evolved as a movement which severely criticized and demanded reform of the Catholic way of life, as initially expressed in the campaigns of Martin Luther.[1] To address this issue, Luther challenged the Catholic understanding of justification and salvation by faith by examining the paradox. Through his endeavour in On the Freedom of a Christian, he proposed that â€Å"A Christian man is the most free lord of all† yet â€Å"a Christian man is the most dutiful servant of all† in an attempt to contrast what is inwardly renewing to that which is outwardly perishing. By the time corruption and nepotism within the Catholic system of papacy became exposed to the public [2], people who had long suffered the rigid structure of worship along with poverty and social inequality began to perceive the crisis in Catholicism and how they had been which relates to salvation and find out that religious affairs are irrelevant to spiritual progress in the absence of faith and acknowledgment of God’s word for â€Å"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God† (Matt. 4:4). Eventually, they inquired in meditation whether a man is justified by visible efforts that build him up on the outside or by invisible faith which gathers him up on the inside. Were they certain about what they thought all along – that men attain salvation by good works? Or must salvation be achieved in the light of faith which depends not on physical exertions but on God’s Word which sustains the spirit? If the Catholic doctrine truly works with efficacy as taught by the ordained members of the church, why did it appear that most followers remained unrelieved of confusion and suffering? In order to establish a solid argument in protest of the theological views against which such queries were raised, Luther made ‘faith’ central to his discourse of On the Freedom of a Christian where he described faith as â€Å"a living fountain, springing up

Working memory Essay Example for Free

Working memory Essay In today’s society, video games are becoming ever more popular and the more popularity video games receive, the more research that will be done on the topic. Many years ago you may have heard of Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, and of course the â€Å"classic† Super Mario. Today we have better technology and millions of different games out there that can put gamers in tough situations and can lure them to play for hours upon hours. With the gamer population reaching over 90 million in the past decade, their strengths and weaknesses will have a huge impact on society (NBC News). The question is, do video games actually improve cognition and have positive effects on people and how the games can improve learning skills? Loftus, Geoffrey R. , and Elizabeth F. Loftus. Mind at Play: The Psychology of Video Games. New York, NY: Basic, 1983. Print. Pgs 46-54 This book examines the psychological processes involved in playing video games, discusses behavior problems frequent players can develop, and compares video games to other fads of the past. The chapter that I look at specifically is Chapter 3: Games and The Cognitive System. This chapter goes over the aspects of the mind which requires complex thinking and actions to do certain operations when playing video games. A major theme is the different strategies that can be used for accomplishing the mental goals—like the goal to be good at playing video games. There are sections within the chapter. The sections that I will be evaluating is Attention and Memory. In the first section Attention Geoffrey Loftus explains that attention is the filtering process and people generally filter information very efficiently. Attention is used in everyday life. The author goes in depth on how people use their attention and to play certain games. The ability to manipulate your attention and be able to focus on one object and then (within a millisecond) be able to focus on another object. This is the key to video games and improving your skills. The author’s evidence he used, he applied to scenarios that people encounter all the time. They used the example of when you are talking in a group of people and the person on the left is talking to and you quickly shift your attention to the person on your right. The change in attention didn’t require you to move a muscle, instead it was all done with your mind. Another great example they gave is when you are trying to destroy all the helicopters in the air when you realize they start dropping paratroopers. You then start concentrating more on the paratroopers because they are going to be closer to you. The argument they gave was that your attention process can only take in one set of information at a time. This section Attention will be useful to support my argument because the authors explained that the more you used your selective attention the better and faster you would get at filtering information. Thus, it backs up my claim on how video games improve cognition. The other section I reviewed is Memory. The authors explained that Memory has two parts: Long-term and Short-Term. Short-term is generally identified as consciousness and very small capacity for ideas. Long-term memory contains information like our name and ability to speak a language and so on. The storage space is virtually unlimited. The authors make the claim that not only the memory (that your brain can handle) is important, but the speed at which you can manipulate that stored information is very important. They researched and found out reminiscence plays a big part in video games. This is the ability to play games one day and come back the next day and improve your skills or just be able to understand and play the game without relearning the aspect. The evidence the authors used were great examples. The first I want to point out is Short-term memory is like the amplifier in the stereo system; it’s the heart of the system, and it’s important to learn to use it as efficiently as possible. He gave many other examples that helped the reader understand how the memory is being used and manipulated while playing video games. This section is very useful to support my claim. It provides people with the background information about skills that you use while playing video games. It also proved that when you use your memory the better it gets. Green, C. Shawn, and Daphne Bavelier. The Cognitive Neuroscience of Video Games. N. p. : n. p. , n. d. PDF. Green and Bavelier start off by talking about the effects of video games on reaction time and visual-motor coordination. They then go on to explain the effects of spatial skills, attention, brain changes due to video games, and the uses for video games. The topic of brain changes due to video games is the topic that I will examine the closest. The main argument he makes in the section of his journal is that the brain releases significant amounts of dopamine while playing video games. And dopamine has a part in many important functions in the brain, playing a role in cognition, punishment, motivation, attention, mood, sleep, voluntary movement, learning and working memory. Thus, the more dopamine means that you could be able to learn more efficiently. Green and Bavelier use a lot of research from other academic journals, books and psychological tests performed. The argument was very strong because he used actual tests that have been performed so the evidence is solid and backs up his argument well. The only question I have about his argument is what might be the side effects of too much dopamine or is the brain limited to producing a certain amount of dopamine. Overall, the source helped me understand how video games produce more dopamine and how it effects learning. The authors were confident in what they said. This will help readers understand how people learn and how videos games help your brain. Way, J. (2011). Video games as learning tools: A library perspective. Access, 25(2), 10-16. Retrieved from http://search. proquest. com/docview/868572874?accountid=14576 This article/entry describes and explains the benefit behind games made for learning and games that aren’t necessarily made for learning but helped students with other aspects of life. Judith Way, a teacher and librarian at a high-school, explained that she used several different video games to help students learn: My Word Coach and Guitar Hero, yes guitar Hero! She concluded that the games and programs she used was very helpful for more dense learning with children and not only learning but better attitudes and relationships with teachers and students. She also noted that the kids were much more interested in school and participating than ever before. Judith makes a very strong argument about video games and learning. The reason it is strong is because she conducted the study herself and could personally see changes in the students. Her evidence she presented was in the form of graphs that were clear and depicted gain in most cases. She also provided examples by children themselves. There was sufficient evidence that supported learning can be improved by video games. The piece of work will be very helpful on giving an outlook on how video games can improve learning and learning skills. This article can also help give an insight on how they can improve video games to get more positive outcomes in learning. Prot, Sara, MA, Katelyn A. McDonald, Craig A. Anderson, PhD, and Douglas A. Gentile, PhD. VVideo Games: Good, Bad, or Other? Pediatric Clinics of North America59. 3 (2012): n. pag. Print. This article provides an overview of research findings on the positive and negative effects of video games, thus providing an empirical answer to the question, are video games good or bad? The article also provides some guidelines to help pediatricians, parents, and other caregivers protect children from negative effects and to maximize positive effects of video games. This article offers the opposite of my argument. It is a very strong argument that will help me understand the other side and give me an understanding that along with positive effects there are negative too. The authors have consolidated a lot of research they did into one paper. The research comes from a lot of trials and studies conducted on kids playing video games. The evidence that she gave was quality research and she presented all her data in nice organized tables. This article helps me recognize the opposite side of my proposal. This source will help me give evidence of the opposite view and statistics so that I can counter argue the ideas. This source narrows the topic of video games to violent videos which isn’t necessarily what I am writing about but it still gives a lot of negative effects that can come from video games in general. This research that I have done will greatly help narrow my topic to a more specific idea and it reassures my views on the topic. Once I narrow my topic even more I can get even more specific details. And more details means a better argument. Even though I have found out that there are positive ways that video games effect people, I have also noticed that research proves there are many negative effects too. This will help me in my argument to provide specific examples where only positive effects can happen.

Monday, October 14, 2019

21st Century Architecture and Design Elements

21st Century Architecture and Design Elements The architectural design of the 21th century buildings has been redefined due to the advancement of our modern technology. In our modern society, the architectural design of buildings is changing the downtown landscape of metropolitan areas. Due to the change of technologies, it has changed the architectural design of buildings dramatically in terms of its function, design structures, heating and cooling systems and it social status in society. The basic function of the architecture is to provide a roof over peoples head. For instance the Taipei 101 in Taiwan, Taipei 101 has became the worlds tallest skyscraper in 2004.The Taipei 101 is located in the Hsinyi District of the city, the rapid-growing Manhattan of Taipei. This is the future center of financial power in Taiwan, and already home to a dynamic collection of retail and entertainment centers. The Taipei Municipal Government awarded development rights by tender for this Build-Operate-Transfer project, the first ever in Taiwan, to an unprecedented consortium of investors. The mission is to develop a state-of-the-art building that forms an integral part of the infrastructure for advancing Taipei towards becoming one of the Asia Pacific Financial Centers. This project symbolizes the outstanding achievements of Taiwans economic development. In many aspects, the new building is the most technologically advanced skyscraper constructed to date. The building feature fiber-optic and satellite Internet connections allowing speeds up to 1 gigabyte per second. It has the worlds fastest elevators which run at a top speed of 1008 meters per minute. Architectural Intention The architecture intention of Taipei 101 has been derived from early period in history. Associated with combination of style and culture from Greek, Egyptian, Gothic period, and most importantly the Roman architecture. The Greek column structures were used to build its structures, the gothic point arch, and pointed rib vaulted construction were used to build up its structure. There are many aspects about the gothic architecture that reflected in the making of Taipei 101, such as the architects would build high ceilings which would make the building look absolutely massive. Taipei 101 is no longer viewed as simple shelter to provide roof over peoples head. The architectural plan is designed with a more environmental conscious issue. The interior environment is designed according to the space of the structures. For instance, the interior are divided into segments such as malls, observatories, restaurants, and business offices. Form and Faà §ade The form of Taipei 101 is inspired by traditional Chinese architecture, with a shape resembling a pagoda. If look closely, the sectioned tower is also inspired by the bamboo plant, which is a model of resilience, elegance, and strength. The towers design specifications are based on the lucky number eight. Number eight is consider to be a lucky number, it features eight upward flaring sections, and all supported by eight super columns. Most aspects of the design, layout and planning were reviewed and approved by a Feng Shui master. The faà §ade material of the building is glass with curtain wall system. Symbolism Taipei 101 incorporates many features of symbolic significance. One of the representation, that Taipei 101 symbolized the axis mundi, which is a symbol representing the center of the world where the heaven or sky connects to the earth or more like Taipei 101 is the bridge from earth to heaven. The height 101 floors symbolized the renewal of time and Chinese saying being one more than one hundred, a traditional number of perfection. The main tower is divided into eight segments of floors. In Chinese the number eight symbolized lucky number or good fortune. The ruyi figures appear to be their motifs. The ruyi symbolized heavenly cloud; it implies defenders, fulfillment, and rejuvenation. Interior Spaces and Design In many aspects, Taipei 101 is the most advanced skyscraper ever constructed to date. The building features the fastest double-deckers elevators and the whole building is wired throughout with broadband access to the Internet and microwave and satellite transmission equipment. These modern systems are used to ensure uninterrupted communications with the outside world. The glass of the windows are sealed airspace, which coated to reflect sun rays keeping the occupants comfortable while still allowing them to see outside view from the window. There are total 34 double-deckers elevators that can carry 62 people at a time. They put that many and huge elevator to ensure that no one will have to wait more than 30 seconds for an elevator. The building has two floors of health and fitness centers, three floors of restaurants and observatory floors on levels89, 91, 101. The retail stores of the mall are world-class, reflecting Taipeis new global image within a traditional shopping marketplace . The basement has parking spaces for 1839 cars and 2990 scooters and motorcycles. Construction Technology We are now said to be entering the age of the super skyscraper, with tall buildings poised to take a giant new leap into the sky. Tall buildings must stand on firm ground, or else the risk of having earthquake is really high. Soil analysis is especially critical in facing the threat of earthquakes. The next obstacle in erecting a super skyscraper, and perhaps the biggest one, is wind. Tall buildings actually sway in the breeze, in much the same way that a diving board bends under the weight of a diver. Building an edifice that doesnt topple over in the wind is easy enough. The real challenge is keeping the structure so stiff that it doesnt swing too far, cracking partitions, shattering windows and making the upper occupants seasick. Taipei 101 is designed to hold out against earthquakes and typhoon winds which are the most occurrence cataclysms in Asia pacific. The building will not move an inch even if the earthquake reaches 7 degrees on a Richter scale and the wind power never know n to man. To insure and prevent such cataclysms to destroy the building, the first 25 floors are reinforced by adding another four exterior walls and all eight segments were restructured, every one of them having the same exterior leaning angle of 90 degrees with the same dimension. This illusion creates the never ending column. Another support for stability of the building structure is the interior spiral stair and steel pillars filled with concrete to make the stiffness of the structure. Engineers also developed a new architectural concept called the mega column which derived from the Greek column structure. The mega column is the most durable structure, having two centers. The first one is made out of numerous steel columns filled with concrete, linked by the second segment the other columns is the neo-gothic girders which connect all column in a center resembling pyramid. Taipei 101 has a giant mass damper to keep building in balance. The damper will reduce the towers peak vibra tions by more than one third. The main purpose is to ensure that the steel ball stays in control and does not swing wildly. To prevent damage during earthquakes, dampers have a locking device that will be automatically triggered. The locking device will prevent damper from moving independently. The damper is visible from the restaurant and bar which encircles space around the ball. The overall structure is reinforced by a moment frame system linking all the columns on all floors. My Thoughts and Arguments Taipei 101 has a very distinctive design and look about it that makes it very striking. The design link to various significant shapes, numbers and other aspect of the culture. It looks like a massive bamboo and is just dazzlingly lit at night. Taipei 101 is a symbol of modern Taiwan. The construction of the building itself is marvel. It also has LCD windows to put some advertisement on top of the building. Some use to make love letter to their loves one and some use to make a big advertisement. On Valentines day most couple post their names and their loves one on these LCDs. Since Taiwan is a little island, it is very intellectual idea to build a tall building for an entertainment center and tourism. Its location is very convenient to any other attractions center. On the 91st floor is the outdoor observation area. The views at the outdoor observation area is not as open due to walls are built about slightly higher than a human height for protection purposes. There are binoculars to v iew the outside landscape and it is best place to take panoramic picture. The outdoor observatory, allows visitor to see the spire of the building. The idea of the spire building is derived from the gothic period. The most amazing thing is the steel pendulum, which serves as a mass damper, which suspends from the 92nd floor to the 88th floor. The movement of the damper will offset movement in the building caused by earthquake and strong wind, the damper reduce the overall movement of the building. The food court was an incredible, with a wide varieties of cuisines representedmany types of Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese quick eats as well as weird fusion items (Chinese + cheese = Italian, natch). Everything looked so appetizing compared to the usual American mall food court, with the help of food models attractively displayed at each of the almost 100 stands. Overall Taipei 101 is one of the greatest entertainment center, business, and even shelter in the whole world with its modern constructive architecture look. It is safe to say that the influence of the classical style has had profound on the way we live today. Many aspects of life have evolved over time and have been fine tune to fit our preferences, which today we are able, the modern structure of our new building. Conclusion In the 21st century, both interior design and architectural design have reached a stage where there are few limitations, and styles cannot necessarily be neatly defined or categorized. Traditional rules are broken, and opportunities for originality and imagination are maximal. However, great respect for the classical styles and artistic achievements of the past not only remain, but also continually flourish. Revivals of many styles in architecture and interior design are, like revivals of styles in music, dance, fashion, and other aspects of our culture, making appearances as popular fads. References: Lee. C.Y. Taipei 101. New York: Images Publishing Group, April 15, 2009. Print Diana Mirei. Tall order: as worlds tallest, most technologically advanced building, Taipei 101 stand alones. Journal of property management. Thomson Gale May 1, 2006. Printed Micheal M. Deza, Elena Deza. Encyclopedia of Distances. Springer; 1 Edition August 11, 2009. Printed. Jeremy Leslie, David Roberts: Pick Me Up Encyclopedia, DK Children September 25, 2006 Printed Reginald Kwok. Globalizing Taipei The political economy of Spatial Development. Routledge June 16, 2005. Printed Taipei 101 SKY HIGH! December 9, 2009 Taipei 101, December 9, 2009 Taipei 101. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2008. 9 Dec. 2009 . Chen Wei. News Taipei 101 Tower Newsletter July 2005: Pages 1-6. Printed Chen Wei. News Taipei 101 Tower Newsletter April 2005: Pages 1-7. Printed Chen Wei. News Taipei 101 Tower Newsletter August 2006 : Pages 1-5. Printed

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Dna: The Thread Of Life :: essays research papers

DNA: The Thread of Life The "thread of life", is deoxyribonucleic acid, otherwise known as DNA. It is the spiral shaped molecule found in the nucleus of cells. Scientists have known since 1952 that DNA is the basic substance of heredity. This was hypothesized, and later confirmed by James D. Watson and Francis Crick. They also know that it acts like a biological computer program over 3 billion bits long that "spells" out instructions for making the basic building blocks of life. DNA carries the bodies genetic code, controls the development of an embryo, is capable of duplicating itself, and is able to repair damage to itself. DNA can be manipulated to change all kinds of things. All DNA molecules consist of a linked series of unites called nucleotides. Each DNA nucleotide is composed of 3 subunits: a 5 carbon sugar called deoxyribose, a phosphate group that is joined to one end of the sugar molecule, and one of several different nitrogenous bases linked to the opposite end of the deoxyribose. There are 4 nitrogen bases called adenine, guanine, thymine, and cytosine. In DNA adenine pairs with thymine and guanine with cytosine. Medicine's ability to diagnose continues to exceed its ability to treat or cure. For example, Huntington's Chorea is an inherited disease that develops between the ages of 30 and 45, can be diagnosed before any symptoms appear. This can be hard for both the individuals with the disease and their family. There is a 3 billion dollar project underway right now called the Human Genome Project, a 15 year program to make a detailed map of every single gene in human DNA. With automated cloning equipment to steer scientists through the DNA, scientists are finding human genes at the rate of more than one a day. This may not sound like very much but as technology increases the rate at finding them will increase. Since January 1993 to January 1994 scientists have located the genes for Huntington's disease, Lou Gehrig's disease, and the "bubble-boy" disease. Scientists are expected to find the first breast cancer gene any week now. Even with the best tools of today, the progress is full of surprises. Human DNA is not like that of plants, in which the trait of color of a flower is determined by one gene. Even the color of a human eye can involve the interaction of several genes. Some complex genes, such as cystic fibrosis, can go wrong in any number of places. Scientists have already accounted for 350 places where the cystic fibrosis gene mutates, and more are being uncovered